Sunday, January 24, 2010


This is literally the first blog ever written in all of my 18 years but it is required for class and considering I am taking this class because I am on probation, I feel the need that its not a subject to be forgotten about.

This blog is dedicated to my on-going decisions being made this past week. Ironically enough these decisions are about school and my major. Currently, my major is biochemistry which is so stressful and hectic but I'm premed so for me its natural to have a science major. But certain circumstances from first semester are making me re-think my major decision. During freshman orientation, me and my parents were sitting in a classroom listening to a law teacher talk about law school and med school and the fact that was really interesting was that he told us that the top majors students had when accepted into medical school weren't even science based, they were history or psychology.

So this week I really put effort into thinking about switching majors. While biochemistry holds a lot of promise into medical school, the idea of switching, personally, to psychology really peeks my interest. Psychology is in all honesty a little less work but still gives the advantage for medical school. While deciding on my major, I have also been deciding that if I switch to psych that i might pick up a minor in physics or chemistry too. I know I just said having biochem as a major was a lot of work and now I'm talking about switching majors and picking up a minor but I really have looked into it all and there are certain classes required to take for psych or their an option as electives for a BS in psych that will fulfill half of my duties for a minor.

So while I still have many decisions to make about all of this, I am really thinking switching might be in my interest. Of course, if someone is currently a psych major tells me its not so easy I will be open to hearing what they have to say.

Thanks for reading.....I know it probably wasn't very exciting :)


  1. Hey- life choices are always exciting! :) My only advice is to base your decision on your interests, and not just course load or future ambitions. You've gotta like what you do, Katie!

  2. i know exactly what you mean by having to work so hard for a degree. it seriously is the hardest thing i've ever done. it sucks that we're on probo but i kno we can get through it =]

  3. im a psych major and it's pretty sweet. the only annoying thing is the four semesters of the same language. im taking latin and aside from the fact that i know i'll never use what i'm learning later on in life it's also extremely difficult and i have to take one more semester of it. it does nothing but bring my gpa down. hopefully you already fulfilled your language requirements. but if you haven't take sign language! thats what i should have done. im pretty sure it still counts as a language.

  4. Ya working for certain degrees are a pain in the @$$. I had to switch from a secondary math education major to be a elementary education major. Kind of sad but I like to work with kids so it's not all bad. Well good luck in your courses.
